e-Mag - August/September 2012
Teaching and Learning English Skills
Learn English now and forever!
News & Activities for our students & friends

Have you ever wondered what is hidden behind the "username-password door� to a virtual campus?

In this article published in �Revista Industria Argentina�, we unveil some mysteries.


�Qu� se esconde detr�s de las palabras que resuenan una y otra vez en el mundo educativo-virtual? �Qu� hay detr�s de la portada �usuario-clave� de un campus virtual?

En este art�culo publicado en �Revista Industria Argentina� develamos algunos �misterios�...


For little kids and big kids at heart!

How many different pieces of furniture can you mention? Fewer than 10? Would you like to learn more words? Just try these activities out:
- The Memory Game
- The Quiz with Pictures
- The Type-in Game

Beyond your spot, what is your ideal world like? Listen to how John Lennon describes it as you work on the interactive task entitled Song. Is his description similar to yours? Give yourself the chance to design your own ideal world in Creative Writing? How idealistic are you?


Aren’t you sure when to use “do”, “does” or “did”? Do you still think your use of the “present perfect” is not so perfect? Do you feel “conditional sentences” sound like tongue twisters? Don’t you have any clue about what a “run-on sentence” is?

If you ever wonder whether you are using the right structure or if you are afraid to make a mistake in English, join one of our new four-month online courses and gain self-confidence!

Brush up your English and improve your communication while doing enjoyable grammar activities online anytime-anywhere. Manage your own schedule and pace! Contact us for more information.


Ahora podés disfrutar de actividades interactivas en tu tiempo libre y a tu propio ritmo para mejorar tu gramática y comunicarte con mayor precisión: nuevos cursos en línea de septiembre a diciembre. ¡No te los pierdas!


Do you want more practice? Just print the worksheets in Furniture and cut out the cards to play a memory game! Fun guaranteed!

And if you want to have a paper-based version of the song in our Interactive Site, click on the word Imagine below and download the handout.


Get ready for the rest of the year! Plan ahead! New face-to-face courses in August and September for you to improve your English, become more fluent, succeed in putting your ideas across.


Planific� con tiempo el resto del a�o: nuevos cursos presenciales en agosto y septiembre para que logres una comunicaci�n exitosa en ingl�s.


If you are the curious type of person, click on the Rooms in the first link and find out what furniture is inside them. Any new words?

And if you are kind of a daydreamer, why don�t you visit the second site and Design your ideal home� for free! The Instructional Tour will guide you to build the house of your dreams! Encouraging, isn�t it?